The sea is one of the important landscape of mountain scenery. The sea of clouds, is formed in certain weather conditions of the clouds, and the cloud top height is lower than the peak height, when people Beck clouds in the mountain, see is boundless cloud, like the sea shore, wave peak Chung, splash, Jingtao shore. So this phenomenon as a "sea of clouds". 
  The sea of clouds is the first Mount Huangshan wonders, Mount Huangshan since ancient times, the sea of clouds called. Mount Huangshan in the first four, is a sea of clouds, therefore, the appearance of clouds is "fairyland" magic beauticians. Mountains to the sea, who said not strange? Wonderful, just like the sea than the sea, mountain fog phase transforms, image, imagination is thousands of!! ! according to the geographical distribution, Mount Huangshan can be divided into five areas: the lotus peak, the day all peak to the south of the South China Sea, also known as Qianhai; best Monju Taiwan Yuping peak is the view of Qianhai, cloud around the fog, ups and downs, "natural colored pencils to heaven and earth, draw the southeast four or five peaks". The Lion Peak, the beginning letter peak to the north of Beihai, also known as Houhai. The Lion Peak and cool platform, is the sea of clouds in the view of the good, excellent and view the sunrise place. Air circulation, vary from minute to minute, as Shu early days, glistening, is beautiful can not square thing. Boeling East, to the East Gate in the wind stood, list of clouds can be shocking. Dan Xiafeng, klippe West as the West Sea, the ideal point of view but row Yunting, hazy sunset, God moved. Guangming Ding front to sea, is located in the Middle East, West, before, after all, 1800 meters above sea level, flat terrain, clouds from the foot up, sky color, so the name "Hai".
   For more information of sea of clouds,please click here wow gears.
     Attractions description 
    Flying in the Guangming Ding, North West, nearly 1 km away from. Tianhaiping Tiangang at the western end, there is a huge stone, was nearly rectangular column stands on the peak head bedrock flat stone between the Guangming Ding Yun Lou Pai to Taiwan, toward the East, 7 meters wide, thick 1.5 - 2.5 meters, 15 meters high, the average density of granite is 2.59 × 103kg/m3, the weight is about 544 tons. Viewing from the south to the north side, it on the next round tip, like a giant peach, known to the world as the "peach stone" or "Xiantao peak, 1730 meters above sea level.". After the field survey, the stone below the bedrock platform 12 - 15 meters, width of 8 - 10 meters. The rock composition identical to the upper and lower two stone, the contact area which is very small, so that visitors feel like a boulder from flying down the cliff, named "flying stone". On tourists stand base platform, such as painting, so the stone surface of the "picturesque" two word inscription. The tour, Cheng Yuheng exclamation this stone of the poem: "policy staff travel Zifeng, afraid of the top. To know you is the fear of flying, flying, complex." Stone is so great, who can shake the half?
Attractions description 

    The "flying" story, the millennium has been cast a veil of mystery; according to legend, this stone for the goddess patching the sky remained one of the two stone, then flew into the stones of Mount Huangshan. Later, in the continuous uplift of mountain, due to weathering and denudation, glacier water and gravity collapse, the surrounding rock has been peeled off, the contact surface of base platform on the surface of the very small, eventually forming Wu remain high platform on the "flying" wonders. wow gears

  Flying legend
  According to legend, the Song Dynasty there was a single blessing Mason, life has caused a lot of bridge to the people, thought also in his own home at the entrance of the landscape construction of a sigh, but no helper. His knees only one daughter, small Jiao, look beautiful and clever. Small beautiful know his father's mind, he asked for help. But the mountain stone, stone transport bitter thyme and tired, the small woman can stand, so the single Fu is not allowed. Small Jiao knelt pleading on the ground, single Fu have no way out, only a tearful nod. He also brought three disciples to find help, will soon dry up. Because the mountain stone transport bitter and tired really uncomfortable, big apprentice and two apprentice has slipped. Single Fu and daughter, the three disciples, iron the heart to repair the bridge, continue to work hard with the wind in the rain. But several years later, transported to the river only a small pile of stones, so tired bitter dead, also can't be built up the bridge. Small beautiful teeth, please write the "donate body repair bridge" four characters, insert a straw, sat down beside the river. For three days, to see countless people, but at the surging river, they are all gone. One day, suddenly come to a cripple, carrying a fan, pick a straw, asked Jiao willing to go with him, small Jiao said: "when the mountain mining stone all transportation to the river, when to go with you." This is the original sin of Tie Guaili the lame. He is out of the crowd, become an immortal, and soon came to a hundred miles mountain, with fans from back, open to single Fu and three apprentice stone fan. Stone fly up, and have all fall in the river. Single Fu and three disciples were also from the hill fan to the bridge site. Tie Guaili is afraid of not enough, a huge fan of him standing three fan, he stood in the boulder on the fly to the river. I do not dare to let the bottom, rock fall. And listen to the single Fu said loudly: "stone enough." he would drive up Yuntou, surf, swim to Mount Huangshan, to see the beautiful scenery of Mount Huangshan, will be falling boulders. Since then, this stone is to add a scene of great Mount Huangshan. There are two stone, in Cuiwei peak side, a small peak on the temple in Gu gears